Only Boring People Get Bored
About and not about Fashion Month. Mostly about dressing to feel alive.
One thing I keep seeing, and which resonates with me (especially leading into fashion month - see you in Paris???), is this thread from Hurs -
There’s a lot more to it, obviously, here’s the whole thing. But the points that I really agree with - with regard to fashion fashion AND creativity in general - is that the good taste groupthink is….a drag.
Things have been looking very samey samey. The “quiet luxury” trend moving into “mob wife” moving into “brat” - from the outside it feels a lot like the masses waiting to be told what they are for that season. Which then starts to feel like disposable style, and the opposite of what we all aspire to when we get dressed.
It does all start to feel boring and a little pre-prescribed, and I could rant about it, but you know what? Only boring people get bored.

I LOVE the idea that “good taste” is dead. I’m tired as hell of 2024’s flavor of “minimalism” which to me all feels like The Row minus the intellect or sense of humor. I’m tired of high brow designers knocking eachother off and trying to cash in on retail hits through their ~own lens~ (AKA dollar signs in eyes).
I’m into ideas over trends, and twists and turns that feel individual and practical. I like things that feel a little trashy or tacky, and I’m embracing a new phase of my style that nods to that. I want to get dressed to feel (here it is again) horny, rich, and lazy. Not brat, not mob, not quiet.

I like the idea that the era of the all cream and beige Instagram grid can go screw itself, and that the people who do use clothes as a medium for self expression will find a bonfire in the woods to dance around at midnight. That’s the party I want to go to. I want to think of clothes as means to communicate something private and interior, or convey something so abstract and subtle in a concrete way. To nail a feeling and a moment we’re all having but can’t articulate, hitting a vein like Friday’s Alaïa show at the Guggenheim, or Khaite’s softened approach on Saturday. From Booth Moore: “There is a yearning for joy and optimism in the zeitgeist, and many designers are responding this spring 2025 season, even Cate Holstein, New York fashion’s reigning queen of darkness.”
And that’s what I mean when I say using clothes to “feel something.” You can change your mood by changing your outfit, you can feel soft, or scary, or like a haunted Victorian doll, all depending on the look. You could be powerful or pretty or sexy or baby or joyful and optimistic (this is what I’m feeling), but my hope is that we stop aspiring to simply be on trend or chic or….worst of all…classy. Too often having good taste is confused with having good style.
So I’m not about to bitch and moan about Fashion Week, I’m not going to complain about being busy or spread too thin. (This is also because I know that outside of the very small group of people who go to shows, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.) Aside from the beige and cream boucle everything that honestly really has overstayed its welcome, I also don’t want to yuck someone else’s yum when it comes to creative expression. I never want to be the…ahem…turd in the punchbowl.
Being neg about this time of year was never really my thing anyway, I’ve always felt puppyish during fashion week, despite my insecurities.

I have massive anxiety about going into my one day in New York next week (more on that later) and Paris at the end of this season - about not getting to go to anything, being rejected - because at the end of the day, Earl Earl is me. Everything I’m doing is a representation of me and what I believe in and like and want to see in the world. I can’t not take it personally, because it IS personal. But I’m still putting myself out there, IRL and online, here. And for the things that I can go to and see, I’m just so excited. Even if I don’t like the clothes or the things or whatever, what a gift it is to live in a time when people continue to open themselves up in spite of everyone saying it’s pointless or fruitless or a losing game. Or worse, tearing you apart in your most vulnerable moments (my heart breaks for Virginie Viard, I honestly liked a lot of what she did at Chanel).

Fuck the haters.
Let’s have fun, let’s hug and high five and feel something together. And I mean that in a greater sense right now, because I know probably only like .01% of the people reading this will be at the shows or care about Fashion Week as an institution. But my wish for you is to swim in your pond, put something silly on, feel something, connect with someone, try something, wiggle around in your own skin and wag your tail.
Feel good, feel good, feel good.
Your friend, forever
I'm so into the way you're writing and opening up lately — you inspire me x1000! Please never make Earl Earl anything else but fully YOU.
Meet you at the bonfire! I’m in for this journey!