It’s so funny, I was just looking at that dome collection literally a day before your story 🤍 Btw, who makes that beautiful blue button down you’re wearing on the video?

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This intuitively makes so much sense, but I also needed this broken down. Thank you!

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Thank you for this!

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This collaboration is fantastic—well-thought-out and so clever. I absolutely love Mejuri!

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You are incredibly talented and have an amazing eye for detail. I truly feel the depth of your words and intentions as I read them and listen to you in the video. I have always enjoyed layering jewelry, as I have some pieces that I never take off and others that I mix in depending on the context, neckline, and outfit. I appreciate your attention to balance rather than just piling on jewelry. Your approach is also refined and balanced, the notes on mixing metals and following your intuition spoke to me.

Thank you for sharing how this collaboration came to be—it was inspiring to hear!

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Thank you Laurel this is exactly the guidance I need, but that "15-16" gold choker (with the polo) is only offered in 17"....

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Hi Susie, I see it here as 16" (but sold out right now): https://mejuri.com/products/organic-dome-tidal-chain-necklace?Material=Sterling+Silver

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So helpful!! This is the content I subscribe for!

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